Er i’r Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd gael ei greu gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Lloegr (CCAULl) yn wreiddiol, mae llawer o wybodaeth ar gael ar y porth hwn ar gyfer pobol sy’n gweithio ar gynaliadwyedd yng Nghymru pu’n ai’n addysg uwch neu’n addysg bellach.
Mae’n safle ar gyfer cydweithwyr mewn gwahanol sefydliadau gael rhannu eu profiadau cynaliadwyedd drwy gyflenwad newyddion bywiog, dyddiadur digwyddiadau, canllawiau arfer dda, canllawiau cryno, adroddiadau, ymchwil, webinarau a fideos.
Mae’r ACPC wedi ymrywmo i yrru’r porth gwybodaeth arloesol hwn ymlaen – gan ei wneud yn berthnasol i’r heriau sy’n cael eu hwynebu gan staff mewn sefydliadau ble bynnag y bont yn y wlad.
Gan fod addysg a’r amgylchedd wedi eu datganoli yng Nghymru, mae Prifysgolion a Cholegau mewn sefyllfa unigryw gyda disgwyliadau gwahanol arnynt o’i gymharu â gweddill y DU. Er mwyn rhoi cymorth iddynt ac er mwyn cefnogi addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, rydym yn gobeithio creu Partneriaid Cyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd Cymreig newydd er mwyn darparu adnoddau a chanllawiau rydych eu hangen.
Mae’r perthnasau newydd a chyffrous hyn wedi’u llunio er mwyn gosod cynaliadwyedd ar y blaen o ran addysg drydyddol yng Nghymru, ac er mwyn darparu’r offer i sefydliadau a’u staff allu gwireddu hyn. Er bod llawer o adnoddau penodol Cymreig ar gael ar y Gyfnewidfa Cynaliadwyedd, carem weld mwy ohonynt.
Dyna pam y byddwn yn parhau i weithio’n galed i hybu cynaliadwyedd o fewn addysg drydyddol dros Gymru gyfan a pham rydym yn cynyddu ein partneriaethau ac adnoddau drwy’r amser.
Making biodiesel from waste vegetable oil is an increasingly popular way to reduce fuel bills and cut carbon emissions
The Centre for Bioscience was awarded project funding by the HEA ESD group to produce a series of short information sheets to support bioscience teaching staff with...
A paper which aims to assist senior managers deal with initiatives intended to reduce energy usage, carbon emissions, and other environmental impacts in universities and colleges
A resource list on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from Geography, Earth and Environmental Science (GEES) Subject Centre
Guardian article from 28 May 2012 on how online games can help to encourage sustainable behaviour by appealing to people's desire for competition
This pamphlet is a practical guide to show public procurers how they can help address social concerns in what they buy and in their expectations of suppliers
Two new reports argue that many new buildings in universities and colleges could be ‘unfit for purpose’ in the fast changing, market driven and low carbon world of...
Job description for a Health, Safety and Sustainable Development Manager at Bridgend College, covering a range of responsibilities, including environmental and sustainability tasks
An EAUC Insight Guide on the Hazardous Waste Directive 2005 (England & Wales).
HEFCE, EAUC, Leeds Metropolitan University and Business in the Community worked together on an important sector benchmarking project between 2005 and 2006
The winners' brochure from the 2010 Green Gown Awards.
Green Gown Awards 2009 - winners' brochure from the annual awards, recognising excellence in sustainability within the further and higher education sector
In their 6th year the Awards recognised the exceptional initiatives being undertaken by higher and further education institutions across the UK to become more sustainable
With 240 applications in 2011, 25% up from 2010, the Green Gown Awards are firmly established as prestigious recognition of sustainability excellence in tertiary education.
Green Gown Awards 2007-8 - winners brochure from the annual awards, recognising excellence in sustainability within the further and higher education sector
Case studies from the Winner and Highly Commended for the Course Content category from the 06/07 Green Gown Awards
Green Gown Awards 2006-7 - winners' brochure from the annual awards, recognising excellence in sustainability within the further and higher education sector
The winners' brochure from the 2005-2006 Green Gown Awards
The winners' brochure from the 2004-2005 Green Gown Awards
This reuse implementation guide has been compiled as part of the HEFCE funded project “Moving Towards Zero-Waste”
In 2004 the European Commission published a handbook to give guidance to the Public Sector on procuring “green” products and services
This book, edited by Carolyn Roberts and Jane Roberts, contains 37 chapters exploring different aspects of sustainability within the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum
An occasional paper written for the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges in 2004 by Gareth Simkins and Andy Nolan.
This paper compares the environmental impact of different ways of learning, i.e. travelling into college, learning at home.
Written by senior managers for senior managers, this guide provides practical examples to support universities in learning from each other’s work in this crucial area
Development Education Association report - this thinkpiece seeks to trigger, inform and influence the debate about the future direction of lifelong learning
Department of Communities and Local Government booklet with advice on producing a Display Energy Certificate which will be required for most large public buildings by 1 Oct 2008
It has become fashionable in some parts of the UK media to portray the scientific evidence that has been collected about climate change and the impact of greenhouse gas emissions
The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the curriculum auditing tool Sustainability Tool for Auditing University Curricula in Higher Education (STAUNCH).
Notes on DEFRA Workshop – 11th September 2007
Ethica -The Ethical Finance Game is an educational board and role-play game.
This expert review was commissioned as part of Phase II of the Global Monitoring and Evaluation effort for The United Nations Decade in Education for Sustainable Development...
In this resource you can download the ESD & Global Citizenship - A Strategy for Action (Wales).
Plymouth College of Art has developed an information sharing resource; The Sustainability Information Teaching Exchange.
The second Forum for the Future and UCAS Future Leaders Survey of university and college applicants, exploring their hopes and expectations for the future (2007/8)
Circular Economy video from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation - a mad professor (comedian Steve Punt) questions whether the way we do things now makes sense and asks us to Get loopy!
Forum for the Future and UCAS invited students aged 21 and under, resident in the UK and applying to universities and colleges in 2006, to complete a survey.
It has been estimated that 60-70% of internal environmental improvements are dependent on getting staff to change their behaviour
View guidance on the Energy Saving Trust's website on how selecting the best energy saving computing equipment can save you money.
Daniel Curtis, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, asked EAUC Educational Members' Network for their assistance about the status of energy information...
BioenergyWM website: provides an overview of bioenergy, a document library, regional case studies, upcoming events and links to further information.
Energy & Water Policy - Swansea Institute of Higher Education
Here is a resource created by Bedford College and LSIS that gives examples of best ways to embed sustainable development into the FE curriculum.
A presentation by Paul Cross, Oxford Brookes University from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Exploration session from EAUC 2011 Conference of the Love Food, Haste Waste campaign and how it works in communities and has engaged the FHE sector
This paper presents a snapshot of the current position of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) in the Higher Education (HE) sector in Wales.
A video presentation by Ellen MacArthur, keynote for the EAUC Annual Conference 2011.
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
A presentation which helps you to continue the learning and inspiration from the EAUC Annual Conference 2011 held at the University of York between the 11th - 13th April 2011
Here are a selection of useful links to help you embed Education for Sustainability within your institution.