Today's environmental challenges impact our social and political world. With the future journey in mind, it is vital that graduates are equipped with the expertise and experience to guarantee their positive contribution to sustainable development. The important role of universities and colleges in shaping a young person's early career outcomes can be used to empower their students to take on employment opportunities with confidence, and begin to shape the sector thereafter.
If you would like to connect with other professionals interested in this area of sustainability, join SHED - the leading cross sector Community of Practice in the UK for Education for Sustainability (EfS). This group is open to all.
EAUC-Scotland has two Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks (TSNs) which are open to all, one for further and one for higher education. Each provide an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
SDG Accord Report 2024 - Case Studies
SDG Accord Report 2023 - Case Studies
Wrap: Increasing citizen participation in reuse and refill systems
This hour long event was the fourth in a series called 'Realigning Curricula for the Future' aiming to support specific subjects to implement sustainability in their...
Exploring digital carbon footprints The hidden environmental cost of the digital revolution and the steps universities and colleges can take to address it.
This hour long event was the third in a series called 'Realigning Curricula for the Future' aiming to support specific subjects to implement sustainability in their...
SDG Accord Report 2022 - Case Studies
Why at an Art School? Why Environmental and Social Justice Matters here Glasgow School of Art
This Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network and Learning for Sustainability Scotland Further and Higher Education Task Group Meeting whcih took...
This hour long event was the first in a series called 'Realigning Curricula for the Future' aiming to support specific subjects to implement sustainability in their...
Learn about the journey of plastics
Graduates responsible for a sustainable future
Radical Sustainability
Challenges Online - developing employability by solving wicked problems
The UWE Zero Carbon Framework: Enhancement short courses for built environment students and professionals
Sustainability in Action: A short interactive online course designed by students for students introducing the UN’s SDGs
Students as Change Agents
If you go down to the woods today
Using Quality Improvement to build sustainable value in healthcare
Future-fit fashion and textiles: A whole school approach towards transforming the industry
If you go down to the woods today, you’ll see what the buzz is about
Inspiring sustainable curriculum initiatives
Ruskin Modules: Working together on ‘wicked’ problems
SDG Toolkit
Launch of the second annual SDG report; ‘Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector'.
Sustainability and Intersectionality Resources Hub
COP26, taking place in Glasgow in November, is an amazing opportunity to engage students with both the international climate change treaty process and wider climate change and...
We recognise that as an SDG Accord signatory, institutions have great stories to tell on how SDGs are being integrated within their community. As part of the institutional SDG...
The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Topic Support Network and Learning for Sustainability Scotland FHE Task Group arranged this meeting to explore the new QAA /...
2021 Student Engagement - Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) - Malaysia
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - University of St. Gallen - Switzerland
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Swarthmore College - USA
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) - Malaysia
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Hanken School of Economics - Finland
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Griffith University Business School - Australia
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Facens University Center - Brazil
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - ESSEC Business School - France
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Covenant University - Nigeria
2021 Next Generation Learning and Skills - Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment - India
The Pedagogy of Transition: Educating for the Future We Want
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)resources - 2021
Environmental sustainability of learning and teaching - Learning & Teaching Paper #14
STAGES on the road to COP26: Sustainability wrap-up
University of Cambridge's 2019–20 Environmental Sustainability Report
UNESCO launches Roadmap for next ten years of Education for Sustainable Development in every region
Applying and Preparing for Interviews - Change Agents UK
Learning Notes Library - Change Agents UK
Beyond business as usual: Higher education in the era of climate change
A new hands-on environmental STEM enrichment curriculum using the documentary Point of No Return – the gripping story of the first solar powered flight around the world – as a...
Sustainability Leadership Scorecard (SLS) Annual Report 2020
This National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been developed by the Department of Education and Skills (DES), in consultation with key stakeholders....
AASHE recently released the 2020 Sustainable Campus Index, a publication that recognizes top-performing colleges and universities in 17 sustainability impact areas and overall...
Essentials of Collaboration - Caplor Horizons
The Change Maker's Guide to New Horizons: organising differently for a sustainable future in a Covid-19 world
STAFF: Dr Amanda Slevin, Queen’s University Belfast
STAFF: Dr Katherine Haxton, Keele University
STAFF: Grounds & Gardens Team, University of Leicester
STAFF: Dr Maggy Fostier and Dr Ruth Grady, The University of Manchester
UWS delivering sustainability
The Art of Sustainability - Strategy, resilience and creativity
Creating change through collaboration
D&G - A green region
Extinction Rebellion Takeover - Creatives prove that change can happen
Collaboration: Learning and sharing together
Radical Sustainability
A Rounder Sense of Purpose
Collaborations for Change: Integrating the SDGs in Further and Higher Education
Sustainability by Crowd - Using crowd research technique for making a more sustainable campus
Girls in Energy - A catalyst for change
Finally! Success with remote teaching and learning
Learning English through sustainability: Teaching international students English for academic purposes using the SDGs
Housing Futures - Sustainability skills at the centre of learning for future housing professionals
Warwick Enterprise: Summer Programme 2020 - Inspiring UNSDG innovators
SERC Sustainable Student Enterprise
Young Enterprise: How entrepreneurship and sustainability combine to form the DNA of successful start-up businesses
Educate to Innovate: Developing and sustaining Female Food Entrepreneurs
A second chance for single-use lab plastics
Our future is in our hands
Greening our Campus and City
Campus Transformation - A campus for the 21st Century
In the Webinar we were joined by the Duncan Ross, CDO of Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, he gives us an overview of the Methodology for this year's...
An inclusive curriculum aims to improve the experience, skills and attainment of all students, including those in protected characteristic groups, by ensuring that...
Free business courses to help improve your skills and knowledge.
For this session we heard from Anya Doherty at Foodsteps about calculating carbon foot prints for food and catering outlets and Bekki Laycock on community gardens and NUS...
10 THINGS TO DO to help the Earth during Covid-19 lock down (and beyond)
This journal article identifies key issues facing the science communication field and it suggests a series of prescriptions, inspired by the impact of “evidence-based...
The aim of this research is to develop a meaningful assessment process. It looks at how Goal 4 promotes quality education and Target 4.7 specifically addresses Education for...
Reducing carbon emissions in business through Responsible Management Education: Influence at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels
University Mental Health Charter
Developing students' energy literacy in Higher Education
Climate Emergency Defined
Individual lifestyle changes to mitigate climate change
REACH (Routes to Enhancing ACHievement)
Embedding sustainability into the curriculum can be challenging, thus the aim of this resource is to help IT teaching professionals integrate sustainability concepts into the...
Embedding sustainability into the curriculum may be challenging to do, which is why the EAUC Scotland office are providing this resource to help aid teaching professionals with...
Since March 2018, Hey Girls has been working closely with partner schools, colleges and universities to help distribute period products. As free period products...