The EAUC is committed to driving this innovative information portal forward - making it relevant to the specific challenges faced by staff at institutions wherever they are in the country. Scotland has a wealth of resources throughout its colleges and universities, there is now the opportunity to build on that knowledge bank by expanding our content with more Scottish specific examples.
These resources support EAUC Scotland activity, allowing colleagues in a variety of organisations and locations to share their sustainability experiences via an active news feed, events diaries, best practice guides, tool kits, reports, research, webinars and videos. These multidisciplinary resources are to help provide institutions and their staff with the tools that are needed to put sustainability at the forefront of tertiary education in Scotland.
EAUC Scotland is continuously gathering case studies and examples of good practice to support its activity as well as the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Government priorities. With universities and colleges having been named as ‘major players’ under the Public Bodies Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) it is important that the achievements and examples are accessible for everyone throughout the UK to utilise. Click here to see the 2022 PBCCD Analysis Report.
EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' November edition discussed Cycling to Campus. We have produced this best practice document from the...
The session gave an in-depth overview into the impact that food choices have on our health, environment and communities and how institutions have the power to positively...
EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' October edition discussed Minimising Single Use Cup Waste. We have produced this best practice...
In a new documentary film called 'Climate Change and Scotland's Future', University of Glasgow graduates Jenni O'Neill and Cameron Mackay (both recent geography...
EAUC-Scotland run Forum meetings, open to anyone who works in or with the Further or Higher Education Sector, offering the opportunity for everyone to contribute...
The first event in EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' took place on the 6th September 2017 and focussed on Student Engagement events....
The Public Bodies Climate Change Duties came into play in 2016 with annual reports due each November. The universities and colleges of Scotland are supported by SSN and the...
A look at the 'Wider Influence' section of the Scottish Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting which is due each year on 30 November
On Wednesday 30th August 2017, the Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network met to receive updates from the Sustainable Procurement Leaders Group and HEPA National...
On Thursday 24th August 2017, the Travel & Transport Topic Support Network and ACT Travelwise met to discuss installing Electric Vehicles and their charging...
LfS Scotland hosted a successful meeting of the UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD in Edinburgh in June 20th/21st 2017 with participants drawn from 6 RCEs from across the...
The Green Champions Training Course is a free CPD Certified online training course for Scottish organisations. The course has been designed to give you new skills and tools so...
A National Statistics Publication for Scottish Government. This publication aims to provide an easily accessible reference document that offers information on a wide range of...
This paper looks at the role of sustainable development within degree programmes dominated by the need to satisfy professional accreditation requirements, examining how far...
The University of St Andrews have developed a 10 year cycling strategy to exceed the Scottish Government’s 2020 target of 10% of journeys being made by bike by...
Resource Efficient Scotland held a lighting workshop focussing on how to save energy and money on lighting. There was a detailed presentation which is available to download...
The United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO have produced a series of good practice case studies in ESD from across the political jurisdictions of the UK. The document was...
Carplus have published a case study of the Electric Car Club scheme installed into the University of St Andrews' campus. They have listed 19 tonnes of CO2 being saved...
On Tuesday, 18th July 2017, the Waste Management Topic Support Network met to discuss Public Bodies Climate Change waste data reporting, If using reclaimed wood for bins could...
Zero Waste Scotland has launched a new initiative encouraging organisations to take action and reduce litter. The initiative is open to any organisation in Scotland that wants...