Now in their 10th year, the Green Gown Awards, sponsored by the CISCO and BT education partnership, recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK. With sustainability moving up the agenda, the Awards have become established as the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the tertiary education sector.
The Green Gown Awards black-tie ceremony brings together the leaders, drivers and thinkers of sustainability initiatives within the tertiary education sector. Show your support for and get inspiration from the finalists by being a part of the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the education sector.
Why BT are supporting the Green Gown Awards:
"At BT, we use the power of communications to make a better world, so it is an honour for BT to be sponsoring the Green Gown Awards in their 10th year. Sustainability is steadily increasing in importance for institutions in terms of their financial and operational performance, and these awards are testimony to that.
Our dedicated Education Team lives and breathes Communication & IT solutions in education. We are the UK’s leading Cisco partner and have been their largest education partner for the last five years running. Together we’re working with education institutions in creating better business outcomes through the use of technology.
At BT, sustainable business supports business growth and innovation. We are committed to bringing together the best networks and technology with the expertise of our people to help organisations grow, communities flourish, and individuals get more out of life. This is why we are so excited to sponsor the ‘Technical Innovation for Sustainability’ award. We aim to help universities and colleges to become more sustainable through network-enabled IT.
The Green Gown Awards is a fantastic opportunity to recognise institutions commitment to achieving this goal."
Neil Pemberton, Director of Specialist Sales, BT
As the University comprises about 50,000 students and staff, the consumer choices we make on campus matter. When we achieved Fair Trade Accreditation in 2012, we became...
Students and staff working together to deliver a common goal: raising awareness of Fair Trade as a tangible example of sustainability in practice.
The project aims to make the Tasmanian University Union (TUU) the first 100% renewably powered student union in Australia, engage 1000 students per year through events and...
The JCU sustainability club is a highly active student group working to promote a sustainable lifestyle, connect and empower people to create change throughout JCU and the...
The student-run Tap It campaign sought to engage students and staff in refilling reusable water bottles rather than purchase single-use bottled water.
The matter of landscape links university operations, research, teaching and learning with community and industry engagement delivering stage two of the roof garden pilot project.
Growing at Griffith focuses on three innovative biodiversity projects that builds on Griffith’s commitment to maintaining environmental integrity on its campuses.
Thinking outside the rectangle: beyond the carpark for sustainable transport. In a few short years, implementation of the University of Tasmania’s sustainable transport...
The EcoCentre is a key element of Griffith University’s Griffith Science group and promotes an encouraging message that the knowledge, existing framework and resources to...
The Trickle Effect – Working flexibly with Aboriginal communities to build capability in resource efficiency. A state wide delivery of the Cert Iv Home Sustainability Assessment...
tate of the Tropics. Half of the world’s population and 67% of the world’s children under 15 years of age will be living in the Tropics by 2050, raising serious...
Youth Eco Summit – Linking and leveraging social responsibility and sustainability in GWS and beyond. The unique internationally recognised Youth Eco Summit (YES) held annually...
Give them wings and they will fly! Transforming VET Teachers into Sustainability Champions. Equipping Australian industries with employees who possess and can apply relevant...
Progressing sustainability via continuous pursuit of environmental excellence. The University of Auckland has come a long way since the early 1980s when we first started...
Doing the right thing – a holistic approach to sustainability. At Otago Polytechnic we believe in doing the right thing. Our goals are to have every graduate a sustainable...
Shaping Sustainable Cities. RMIT’s vision is to be urban in orientation and creativity, shaping sustainable cities and drawing inspiration from the challenges and...
The Green Gown Awards Australasia Winners’ summary 2014 provides a summary of the projects recognised by this year's Awards, the International Awards and the ACTS...
One of Nottingham Trent University’s strategic aims is to ‘provide a learning and working environment that inspires and promotes a culture of ambition, community and...
The 2014 Green Gown Awards Winners’ Brochure which explores the journeys all these institutions have taken.
The Living Laboratory has allowed students from diverse academic backgrounds to create dynamic research projects, identifying solutions to the environmental sustainability...
An affordable and easy to administer bicycle loan scheme which is designed to promote cycling through minimising the barriers to staff and students
Plymouth University is delivering a model of sustainable catering which is founded upon local and ethical sourcing, increasing community access to healthy and fresh food, and...
South Devon College has developed/written its own in house system that allows it to link its learner database (EBS) to the system and scan learners ID cards at a point in its...
The University of Manchester’s 6 year vision specifically expresses the need ‘To embed environmental sustainability as a key priority across the full range of its...
UWS community gardens reduce carbon through food growing; provide a living laboratory for students; and a social space for UWS staff, students and surrounding communities
University of Edinburgh aims to contribute to the improvement of society as a whole by the creation of sustainable food systems
BaxterStorey have a duty to students and staff to continuously improve and build upon the level of sustainability demonstrated at the University of Gloucestershire’s (UoG)...
The University of Strathclyde Material Resource Strategy achieves 100% diversion from landfill and a 90% recycling rate
The Sustainable Garden is a multi-purpose, public space developed on a previously unused plot of land on campus. The garden is utilised for edible planting open to all
By Reducing, Re-using, Recycling and Rewarding, the University of Dundee has reduced litter, increased furniture and stationery reuse and increased recycling through rewarding
The ‘Our Space Your Place’ competition offered a unique entrepreneurial opportunity to University students. Students worked with University faculty and business experts
The University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union aims to grow its Union as a social enterprise hub, acting as advocates for social enterprise as an educational tool with...
The project has provided students with an exciting opportunity to participate in a unique elective module which explores the principles and practices of sustainability
This collaborative project between University of the West of Scotland (UWS), SAUWS (Students Association UWS) and NUS, sees sustainability being embedded into teaching at UWS
Final year honours Geoscience students are ‘para-professionals’ in their subjects. Students design, develop and deliver resources and materials for science and...
South West Energy Centre is a unique multi award winning facility providing advice, guidance and training to industry and consumers in all matters relating to the Low Carbon Sector
Education for sustainable development was utilised to address environmental and health concerns within the existing care curriculum framework.
The Environment and Public Policy MSc embraces and offers an excellent grounding in sustainability, managed ecosystem exploitation, and new and unfamiliar challenges
Linking the part time/distance learning (DL) students with the full time students has facilitated the opportunities for shared learning.
University of Gloucestershire (UoG) has been engaged in sustainability for many years and has worked hard to progress its integrated strategy
Since launching its Social Responsibility and Sustainability Strategy in 2010, the University of Edinburgh has strived to understand its impact on the world
In the last 5 years, Environmental Management at Loughborough has come on in leaps and bounds and is now reaching new heights in waste and recycling
LSE published its first Environmental Policy in 2005. Since then, the School has come a long way on its journey to embed sustainability in all aspects of the School’s day...
Over the last 5 years, Blackpool and The Fylde College (B&FC) has taken on the challenge of integrating sustainability across every corporate department and curriculum area.
From the ground-up: a whole-systems approach to institutional change Ball State University’s Council on the Environment (COTE) represents the many Vice-Presidents,...
This Huddersfield University project sought to identify effective community-based arrangements for sustainable forest use.
The Local Wisdom project explores the rewarding and resourceful practices associated with using clothes, called, the ‘craft of use’.
Aston Go Green is a catchall term to summarise the wide range of sustainability initiatives at Aston University. The main benefits have been legal compliance and financial saving
Worcester Royal Infirmary, the primary teaching and surgical hospital in Worcestershire until it closed in 2002 lay derelict for eight years and has now been sensitively restored
Edinburgh’s historic Old High School has been transformed into an award winning, energy efficient hub for knowledge, innovation and skills.
The Julian Study Centre is an ambitious structure that solidifies a holistic approach to new teaching and seminar spaces
The redevelopment of Durham University Business School produced an eye-catching facility which successfully enhanced the student experience and transformed the working lives of...
The University required a purpose built, highly efficient high density data centre to be installed and commissioned within 13 months ready for the start of the new academic year
The KeeleSU fashion show: Sustainable fashion showcases local, ethical and sustainable products to the community in a fresh and inventive way, turning us all into socially...
Accommodation and Hospitality Services within Newcastle University have developed links with charities within the local community resulting in our campaign THE BIG CLEAR OUT!
Green Schools is part of Liverpool Guild of Students ‘Green Guild’ project, in which students lead on community outreach.
Project SEARCH is a one year Internship programme supporting young people with additional needs to gain skills and experience to go on to employment.
In 2006, recognising the need to update facilities, Nottingham Trent University (NTU) took on the largest and most exciting construction and refurbishment project to date
One in three of us will develop Dementia. While we wait for a cure, the Salford Institute for Dementia has been established to research and promote positive approaches to...
The Widening Participation Unit at London College of Fashion (LCF) has set up a long-term partnership with St Joseph’s Hospice and three local Hackney schools.
Through interactive events, Your Green Future demonstrates to school students the employment opportunities available to them within the low carbon economy.
Green Dragons is the first student-led sustainability project at City University London giving teams of students an opportunity to obtain funding for collaborative...
DMU Square Mile has enhanced De Montfort University’s profile locally, nationally and internationally, receiving multiple awards for the concept of mobilising staff and...
Students have improved the green space on the campus enabling the public to see ‘outside’ what students learn ‘inside’ by creating a Sculpture Trail and...
The aim of the project was to build on the lessons learnt from previous projects and further embed sustainable development principles into the new development at the BGLZ.
Since October 2013 the Students Union and the University of Central Lancashire have collaboratively run a range of innovative student engagement initiatives that have seen...
One year ago, the University of Chester became the founding member of the DoNation’s “Do Good for Uni programme”; getting students and staff pledging simple,...
The University of Salford has a challenging carbon target of an absolute reduction of 43% by Sept 2020 from 2005/6 baseline.
The ‘Octave’ is the University of Salford’s state of the art virtual reality suite. At its most extensive, it can present an eight-sided projected environment...
Students’ Green Unit: Students shaping sustainability through behavioural change The Students’ Green Unit bridges the gap between student action and academic...
SmartSpaces is a unique approach to displaying complex utility consumption data in a way which is fun, engaging and simple to understand.
Designed to tackle poor energy efficiency in student housing, the project offers students a range of interventions and incentives to help them to develop appropriate energy...
Upgrading ventilation and controls systems for the University of Reading’s chemistry teaching lab fume cupboards has returned major energy savings
Professor John Brooks has been dedicated to his vision of the University for World-Class Professionals.
Outstanding progress in reducing staff single person car commuter journeys from 40% to 16.5% has been achieved at Newcastle through consistent university wide effort over a decade
The leadership excellence shown by Professor Daniella Tilbury is easy to see: under her direction, the University of Gloucestershire has maintained an excellent performance...
The aim of the project was simply to produce less waste and use less energy in order to improve the ecological footprint of the College.
Professor James Longhurst (Jim) leads the University of the West of England’s (UWE) approach to embedding sustainability into the business of the University, particularly...
The purchase of a real-time energy management system called Eniscope in August 2013 enabled Dundee and Angus College to identify any hidden energy leaks
Diana has grown up in what is classed as one of the most deprived areas of Greater Manchester and understands firsthand the lack of opportunities and community based activities
Students have benefitted from experiencing practical, outdoor activities that are environmentally sound and of benefit to the wider community.
Ian is an inspirational and tenacious individual who has produced a step change in sustainability for Hull College. It seems there has been no stone left unturned in the quest...
Over the last six years, Keith Holmes has been Environmental Champion within Coventry University’s School of Art and Design.
Shane Foster is a committed and dedicated catalyst for change and continuous improvement. Shane has been innovative in driving sustainability from the classroom to the...
Jonathan is a true champion who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to embed, create a legacy for sustainability, and successfully engage his College staff to further...
Joel Cardinal is absolutely tireless, working ridiculous hours to be part of a vast range of environmental activities, from building projects to research to student societies to...
Emily has been a pioneer for the University, carving a place for sustainability initiatives, generating University-wide interest & determinedly driving sustainability up the...
GUEST is a student led environmental sustainability body who strive to engage the broader University community to promote ecological awareness and positive environmental action
From saving electricity to increasing biodiversity and pioneering the use of organic calico, Rachel engages community members, students and staff from diverse disciplines
The real question was ‘How does one embed sustainability in the ethos of an institution?' We achieved this through a whole range of initiatives
Industrial irons are frequently used by students for garment-making. They take around 15 minutes to reach useable heat and steam pressure so there is a temptation to leave them on
UEA is helping to build a demand-side power station, turning energy-intensive equipment across its campus into smart devices which can automatically adjust their energy demand
Unsustainable pressure on static infrastructure budgets from increasing energy costs threatened the direct science budget at the Hutchison/MRC Research Centre
‘A building is only as green as the people are’. This motto, created during the year, epitomises OGEC. There will always be a limit to a buildings effect on a...
Met MUnch is a student-led food network with a passion for food! It brings affordable, nutritional, local and sustainable food to student communities and beyond
Using Benjamin Franklin’s premise “Involve Me and I’ll Learn”, the College has actively involved students in a number of projects, events and activities...
The Works is a University of Manchester led employment facility providing access to training and jobs for residents in the University’s immediate communities
This project supports families in-need by transforming run-down and derelict properties into modern and affordable homes in the community.
The CSI is an independent index underpinned by sound academic research that allows suppliers to obtain a score of their social, economic and environmental sustainability...
Over 5.8 million people in about 30 countries utilise the SODIS method, but lack any UV indicator technology, necessary to ensure 100% success.