The University of Strathclyde have developed a climate risk screening tool. It is designed for individual capital infrastructure projects e.g. new build, landscaping,...
Following on from our recent COP26 meeting on the 4th of February EAUC-Scotland has produced a Top 10 list of things you can do in your institution around COP26. COP...
Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Adapting to the...
This Handbook and Framework from Adaptation Scotland has been developed on the principle that successful adaptation is not simply a case of improving understanding through...
The unspoken challenge of university in the age of climate change: students diligently prepare for careers while scientists sound the alarm that business as usual is untenable.
EAUC and the Higher Education Business Continuity Network (HEBCoN) have been working with a group of Members over the last year, with the support of AECOM, to develop a guide...
This session explored the role of UWE in influencing city scale decarbonisation.
Why don’t more people see the urgency around climate change and take more action? Why are we sleepwalking our way into changes that will affect the future of humanity?
Following on from the plenary focusing on Greater Manchester’s Carbon Target this session focused on what universities and colleges have done in response to the Climate...
Attendees learned about the steps taken towards developing carbon negative products.
It brings together powerful networks of businesses and governments, in order to shift global markets and policies towards accelerating climate action
This presentation entitled ‘The Greta Challenge’ was delivered by a group of APUC staff at the Procurement Networking Conference at Stirling Court Hotel on Friday...
The University of Edinburgh has released its Adaptation Framework, to fit in with its aim of becoming net zero by 2040. This feeds in to the overall vision that the University...
This was a Business School group consultancy project for MSc Carbon Finance and MSc Carbon Management students The main research question this study seeks to answer is:...
There is wide recognition that the success of both the University of Edinburgh’s Climate mitigation and adaptation strategy should closely align with the...
Communication is fundamental in ensuring University stakeholders understand, support, and act upon, climate change adaptation measures taken by the University. It is therefore...
In August 2014, a removable flood barrier was installed to the entrance of Barnes Wallis, on Shakespeare Street (Nottingham) in response to previous flash flooding...
Disaster risk has no borders. Indirect losses from extreme weather events can cripple national economies, kill small businesses, shut down factories and take away jobs....
This climate change risk assessment addresses the risks to ARU resulting from climate and weather events, and their associated health, operational, and financial consequences....
ISO 14001 is the most popular environmental EMS in the world and is commonly found in UK institutions. In can be confusing to work out how to integrate climate change...
This discussion paper aims to foster a conversation about the impacts of climate change, how they might affect our operations and what the University may need to do to manage...
University of Strathclyde Adaptation Events and Actions
As a public body, the University of Glasgow has a legal duty under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to address the changing climate and take adaptation measures to ensure...
Situated on the east coast of Scotland, the University of St Andrews is tasked with the challenge of both the maintenance of historic buildings and improving the resilience of...
Sometimes the concept of climate change is difficult to reconcile with real life events. It can be hard to imagine the impact that severe weather events and long term climate...
The University published it's new Climate Strategy which sets out a whole institution approach and new long term carbon reduction targets. You can view the...
The project aims to make the Tasmanian University Union (TUU) the first 100% renewably powered student union in Australia, engage 1000 students per year through events and...
A link to BT's Net Good initiative which aims to help society live within the constraints of our planet’s resources through our products and people.
A blog post by Carbon Credentials about ESOS and the conflicting messages.
This is the third in a series from Bill Mollison's "Global Garden", centered around cool climates.
Combines the latest research on climate communications with road-tested communication best practices in an easy-to-use, practically applicable guide
A video about the connection between climate change and extreme weather
A link to the Staffordshire University Green Wall Centre website where you can find out more about green façades,
In this book, leading sustainability educators are joined by others in reflection on the skills to survive and thrive in the challenging conditions of the 21st century.
Legal update for EAUC Members (September 2013) which includes Climate Change Levy CHP, updates to guidance on Hazardous Waste Management, updated pollution prevention guidance,...
Legal update for EAUC Members (June 2013) which includes new CRC order, red tape challenge, climate change levy, industrial emissions directive
Scotland's universities and colleges have publicly declared their intention to address the challenges of climate change and reduce their carbon footprints by signing the...
This publication highlights the business, educational and moral arguments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on campus, with best practices from US colleges and universities
It has become fashionable in some parts of the UK media to portray the scientific evidence that has been collected about climate change and the impact of greenhouse gas emissions
A presentation from EAUC annual conference 2012 on the science of climate change and contributions to ESD.
An EAUC guide on the primary areas of impact and influence in relation to the contributing factors and intervention measures regarding climate change.
An EAUC guide on waste including a case study from Edinburgh College of Art
A presentation and links to reports from CIMA identifying their work on role of accountants in embedding sustainability.
Climate Futures analyses the social, political, economic and psychological consequences of climate change describing how different global responses could lead to five very...