The SDG Accord report 2020, endorsed by UN Environment, paints a promising picture of the embedding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in universities and colleges...
International infographic with the latest stats and figures from Eco-Schools globally.
This keynote session from the 2017 EAUC Annual Conference features welcoming Leanne Denby - President - Director of Sustainability, ACTs, Jean Christophe Carteron - Senior...
WINNER Social and Environmental Innovation Projects for Ecuador (PISA) Proyecto de Innovación Socio-Ambiental (PISA) pursues social-environmental innovation...
Finalist USIL, Shaping entrepreneurs through sustainability In Peru, people from the outskirts of Lima have limited access to high quality education due to...
Catalyzing a culture of sustainability at McGill University with the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) The Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) is a crown jewel of McGill...
SEEDS Sustainability Program Over the past 16 years, UBC’s SEEDS (Social Ecological Economic Development Studies) Sustainability Program engaged over 6,000...
Manduyog Biodiversity Conservation Program The Aklan State University nestles at the foot of the majestic Manduyog Hill which is naturally blessed with a cool and green...
Solid Waste Management: The ATENEO Way As a Jesuit university, Xavier participates in the Jesuit mission of reconciliation with God, reconciliation with others, and...
Using art to promote sustainability: the “Dancing Solar Flowers” project Many of the projects implemented by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice are to make...
Ecocampus Uninorte Program: between the knowledge and action to obtain the knowhow Highly Commended Ecocampus Uninorte program is a strategy created at Universidad...
Finalist “Mi Patita Ideal” The group “CAMBIEN”, from the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of the Center of Peru, related to...
National advocacy and management of environmental indicators in the Costa Rican Network of Sustainable Educational Institutions - REDIES By joining REDIES, each...
Challenge Lab In the Challenge Lab students learn to explore, define and act upon global challenges that will transform the way we live together on this planet. The...
Development and implementation of a solar PV outreach training module for capacity building in East Africa Highly Commended Strathmore Energy Research Centre (SERC)...
International Green Gown Award Winner Centre for Sustainable Technology and Development (CSTD) Our climate-smart landscapes: watershed protection using agroforestry...
Local Fishers protecting Nemo and Friends: an effort in Coastal Resource Management of Talim Bay COSCA’s effort focused on a consultative process of listening to the...
With “At Université Laval, I’m for SD!” Université Laval takes a structured, community-wide approach to sustainable development to get tangible, scalable results
The EAUC-Scotland Conference 2015 closed with a discussion on Shared Responsibilities provided by three key organisations supporting tertiary education...
Greening RMIT is a student-run project dedicated to promoting sustainable food and gardening on campus. Through hands-on education and community building events, we hope to...
JCU’s innovative Green Bike Fleet program gives new love to abandoned or unwanted bikes. The program has restored over 260 bikes, which are then sold to students.
Professor Grant Guilford is the current Vice Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington. Since taking the role in February 2014 he has already made a significant impact in...
C15Hack was Australia’s biggest green innovation hackathon. 41 students worked in small teams to tackle 7 different challenges from across the campus and Melbourne city-wide
Six years in and the Green Gown Awards Australasia continue to grow! This year we had a record number of 43 finalists, representing 22 institutions, all vying for the most...
Lucy has just completed her second year of university, during this time she has demonstrated a great passion and commitment to sustainability in the JCU Community and Cairns...
Colin has collaboratively led the curriculum development processes at La Trobe to help embed sustainability across all undergraduate courses – an Australian first
Since 2007 Victoria University of Wellington has been reducing its carbon emissions. Stationary energy and transport were identified as target areas
University of Tasmania IMAS Building: more than just a building The IMAS building was constructed to provide a contemporary new home for the Institute for Marine and...
Australia’s fastest growing University of the last decade is now one of Australia’s most sustainable Universities
La Trobe University ICT Department donated 40 sets of computer peripherals (monitors, keyboards and mice) to help Whittlesea Council roll out a project to build computers and...
The GreenSkills Training Centre is an award-winning catalyst for change in the built environment. A training facility for students studying sustainability courses, it is the...
The key output from this project is a set of inspiring yet workable standards for tertiary sustainability education that articulate what constitutes essential learning for...
The Sustainability Program has grown since 2006 to include initiatives across leadership and governance, facilities and operations, learning teaching and research, and...
Creating Sustainable Futures commenced as an interdisciplinary unit on climate change, it has evolved into a process for, as well as product of, Education for Sustainability (EfS)
USC is a Water Refill Campus that provides bottle refill stations, fountains and water refill vending machines that dispense chilled and filtered water in place of selling...
The Furniture and Equipment Re-use Service offers a range of workstations, storage solutions, and other items for sale at a low cost, presenting a sustainable and economic...
From an empty sandy space, and with only a volunteer staff member for support, a 600m2 community vegie garden has been thriving since 2007 at the largest on‐campus...
Northern Inland Sustainable Business Network (NISBN) is an exciting initiative aimed at providing practical and local assistance to business as they embark on the sustainability...
Charles Sturt University (CSU) is committed to sustainability and is actively working to both reduce the impact of its operations and to act as a leader to engage staff,...
In 2010, TAFE SA Regional launched its GreenPrint for Workplace Education for Environmental Sustainability.
The Australian National University (ANU) has actively used its campuses and surrounding communities as interactive classrooms where students research and learn about...
Recently the community in the whole catchment (800 households), in collaboration with the regional council, is involved in a community‐led stream care project.
Over the last three years RMIT University textile design academics have creatively explored and re-examined textile design practice through the ‘Curriculum Change to Embed...
The Vocational Graduate Certificate in Education and Training for Sustainability (VGC ETfS) is the first nationally accredited VET course in education for sustainability in...
Orientation Week (O’Week) celebrations at the University of Adelaide attract over 15,000 students each year.
Victoria University has developed a number of initiatives to significantly and continually reduce water consumption across campuses and student accommodation.
Since establishing its Sustainability Task Force in 2009 La Trobe University has appointed a Pro Vice Chancellor (Sustainability) and developed sound governance and management...
With nearly 6000 people practising recycling, reusing and reducing resources, Great Southern Institute of Technology’s Seeds of Sustainability project is flourishing.
NSI now provides advice and training to other TAFEs and universities to meet the challenges of today’s burgeoning green economy.
Waste Watchers – Bin Monsters Come Alive The “Waste Watchers – Bin Monsters Come Alive” programme, was a campaign designed to teach correct recycling...
Going Green at Unitec! Launching its Environmental Sustainability Strategy in 2011 with an environmental fund for staff and a Going Green campaign to reinforce a culture of...
UTAS Continuous Improvement exemplified by the Academic-Operations Sustainability Integration Program (AOSIP).
Sustainable Development - Better managers and leaders for a better society.
Australian Environmental Law Moot The Australian Environmental Law Moot is a nation-wide mooting contest, open to all Law Schools across Australia. The Australian...
Building sustainable communities by strengthening the wellbeing of individuals and families The Orchard Hills Farm programme includes the most vulnerable community members...
The SWIM Team (Supported Wage Workers In Motion) To facilitate the inclusion of people with intellectual disability and learning spectrum disorders into its everyday...
Humanitarian Engineering Research Programme – Sustainable Solutions Transforming Lives The Programme is an innovative education and research programme that engages...
Early Years Bush Connections The first Australian programme of its kind, Early Years Bush Connections, an adaption of the Scandinavian pedagogy, was created for pre-service...
The Matter of Landscape: Sustainable design strategies for RMIT City Campus A series of complimentary project-based teaching and learning initiatives across the RMIT...
Waste Watchers – Bin Monsters Come Alive A campaign designed to teach correct recycling behaviours to students in response to high contamination rates in cafeteria...
Moving the masses – a commuter revolution The University of Wollongong (UOW) has developed and implemented a significant Sustainable Transport Strategy to shift...
Accountants: The New Climate Change Warriors Accounting students graduate with skills to mount a business case for sustainability initiatives such as energy savings, and how...
Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future The Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future project has enhanced, optimised and improved the imaging and printing choices for...
Deakin University has reduced its transport carbon footprint by 1346 tonnes CO2 eq, at a cost of $856,000, with the implementation of on campus and intercampus transport methods
The UWS social engagement and leadership program (SELP) is a unique multi-disciplinary volunteer program that runs annually over 4 weeks in Greater Western Sydney
The green program was developed to support Monash University’s commitment to sustainability by embedding green initiatives into the Monash workplace
Newcastle Hair & Beauty Academy at Hunter TAFE realised that their industry was in need of a “sustainability make-over”
Total Waste Management USC has introduced a new waste management process to all buildings on the Sippy Downs campus resulting in an average of 75 percent reduction in general...
Waste Innovation, from campus to community- using waste to engage & change behaviour Our engaging and expansive waste programme involved; students, staff and funders,...
Refrigeration and Lighting Retrofit This year WSI made further energy savings with two large retrofit projects. One being a large scale internal and external lighting...
Late Starter, Fast Runner – Collaborate to Innovate From catch up to innovation, UC may be a late starter, but has proved to be a fast runner in procuring a sustainable...
Committing to Environmental Excellence Flinders university is committed to environmental excellence and the development of curricula and cross disciplinary research on...
UTS Cleans Up! Leading the way in waste management and recycling In 2006 recycling at UTS was not working with recovery rates stuck around 25%. Against this backdrop UTS...
Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future Print Procurement for a Sustainable Future” has transformed the way the organisation prints, copies and faxes using smart...
Using creative approaches to free up thinking in an interdisciplinary undergraduate sustainability unit Creating Sustainable Futures, Deakin University’s first whole of...
Sprouting Seeds: growing and learning together Sprouting seeds: Growing and learning together at the Northern Sydney Institute, is about educating and inspiring the early...
The living laboratory: action-orientated pedagogy for a sustainable campus JCU’s Bachelor of Sustainability is one of only a few undergraduate degree programs in...
Peninsula Library – The Zero-Net-Carbon Challenge The Monash University peninsula library upgrade is a challenge we have undertaken to retrofit an existing university...
tate of the Tropics. Half of the world’s population and 67% of the world’s children under 15 years of age will be living in the Tropics by 2050, raising serious...
Youth Eco Summit – Linking and leveraging social responsibility and sustainability in GWS and beyond. The unique internationally recognised Youth Eco Summit (YES) held annually...
Give them wings and they will fly! Transforming VET Teachers into Sustainability Champions. Equipping Australian industries with employees who possess and can apply relevant...
Durack prides itself on being a leader in sustainability, and decided to embark on a project with staff and external stakeholders to develop a Sustainability Strategy.
The Trickle Effect – Working flexibly with Aboriginal communities to build capability in resource efficiency. A state wide delivery of the Cert Iv Home Sustainability Assessment...
The Green Gown Awards Australasia Winners’ summary 2014 provides a summary of the projects recognised by this year's Awards, the International Awards and the ACTS...
Doing the right thing – a holistic approach to sustainability. At Otago Polytechnic we believe in doing the right thing. Our goals are to have every graduate a sustainable...
Progressing sustainability via continuous pursuit of environmental excellence. The University of Auckland has come a long way since the early 1980s when we first started...
The matter of landscape links university operations, research, teaching and learning with community and industry engagement delivering stage two of the roof garden pilot project.
Students and staff working together to deliver a common goal: raising awareness of Fair Trade as a tangible example of sustainability in practice.
As the University comprises about 50,000 students and staff, the consumer choices we make on campus matter. When we achieved Fair Trade Accreditation in 2012, we became...
The EcoCentre is a key element of Griffith University’s Griffith Science group and promotes an encouraging message that the knowledge, existing framework and resources to...
The JCU sustainability club is a highly active student group working to promote a sustainable lifestyle, connect and empower people to create change throughout JCU and the...
The project aims to make the Tasmanian University Union (TUU) the first 100% renewably powered student union in Australia, engage 1000 students per year through events and...
Growing at Griffith focuses on three innovative biodiversity projects that builds on Griffith’s commitment to maintaining environmental integrity on its campuses.
The student-run Tap It campaign sought to engage students and staff in refilling reusable water bottles rather than purchase single-use bottled water.
Thinking outside the rectangle: beyond the carpark for sustainable transport. In a few short years, implementation of the University of Tasmania’s sustainable transport...
The world’s most prominent networks for sustainability in further and higher education convened on 25 March 2015 at the EAUC Annual Conference at the University of Leeds....
We asked our EAUC Annual Conference sponsors how they Challenged their Connections - this is what they said!
A blog post by Will Jenkins, Carbon Credentials about the Role of Tertiary Education in the Transition to Sustainable Cities
This presentation is from the Student Sustainability Summit 2015, in partnership with NUS and People & Planet, presented by NUS, CliMates, Leeds University Union and UK...
The UNESCO ESD Zoom newsletter which summarise the key projects, events and outcomes.