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The draft Climate Change Bill has been discussed within Scottish Parliament, with Ministers agreeing that the 90% reduction by 2050 target will be included. Sector...
Scotland | Scottish Government | 90% carbon reduction
On 17th April 2018, the Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network met to discuss Embedding Sustainability in Vocational Courses. The session was...
Scotland | ESD | sruc | Dumfries and Galloway College | The University of Edinburgh | embedding sustainability | ESD TSN | The University of Dundee | The University of Glasgow | College ESD Workbooks
West College Scotland highlight through their case study some of the barriers they have come up against in implementing their reusable cups scheme
waste | Scotland | college | reduce | reusable cups
Dumfries & Galloway College decided to take its boiler burner technology to
the next level to maximize energy efficiencies and reduce carbon. The results were more than...
Scotland | carbon reduction | energy efficiency | Project | boilers
Students at University of Edinburgh lead a campaign to help motivate people to change small habits to reduce carbon emissions
Scotland | university | engagement | student | University of Edinburgh | climate change | Edinburgh | Action | campaign | Carbon Emissions | Do Nation
In a new documentary film called 'Climate Change and Scotland's Future', University of Glasgow graduates Jenni O'Neill and Cameron Mackay (both recent geography...
Scotland | community | adaptation | climate change | Glasgow | St Andrews | Flooding | documentary | Scotland's future | Flood Defenses | South Uist | Peatland | Climate Change and Scotland's Future | Explorers Stories
The Public Bodies Climate Change Duties came into play in 2016 with annual reports due each November. The universities and colleges of Scotland are supported by SSN and the...
Scotland | FE | reporting | HE | PBCCD | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | FHE | annual reports | climate change act
A look at the 'Wider Influence' section of the Scottish Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting which is due each year on 30 November
Scotland | university | college | reporting | webinar | training | PBCCD | SSN | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | Sustainable Scotland Network | Wider Influence | mandatory reporting | wider influences
Carplus have published a case study of the Electric Car Club scheme installed into the University of St Andrews' campus. They have listed 19 tonnes of CO2 being saved...
Scotland | community | travel | transport | emissions | casestudy | co2 | Electriccar | CarClub | CommunityPartners | StAndrews | TransportScotland | CarPlusBikePlus | UniversityofStAndrews | ElectricVehicle | SharedTransport | E-carclub | ZeroEmissionsTravel | SharedTransportSchemes
On the 30 June 2017 the Scottish Government launched its most recent consultation to introduce a new Climate Change Bill in relation to the Climate Change Act (Scotland)...
Scotland | climate change | Scottish Government | consultation | Carbon Emissions | climate change bill
The Scottish FHE sector submitted their reports for the first year of the required Public Bodies Climate Change Duties. The EAUC-Scotland have produced a analysis report with...
Scotland | reporting | PBCCD | Scottish Government | SSN | FHE | annual | Carbon Emissions | summary | analysis | recommendations
EAUC-Scotland's Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks, and Learning for Sustainability Scotland's FHE and Sustainable Development...
Scotland | engagement | SDGs | curriculum | Education for sustainable development | reporting | NUS | tsn | topic support network | Learning for Sustainability | education for sustainability | Sustainable Development Goals | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | FHE | LfS | LfSS | PRME | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | Outcome Agreements | NUS Scotland
EAUC-Scotland Energy TSN and ALUC Utilities UIG Meeting in St Andrews. Minutes include APUC-Scotland, Presentations from University of St Andrews and JRF Chimney
energy | Scotland | university | college | management | tsn | University of St Andrews | apuc | energy management | biomass | St Andrews University | minutes
Conference Keynote from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 given by Professor Pamela Gillies, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Scotland | leadership | Community Engagement | Community and Public Engagement | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Conference 2017 | keynote | public engagement | Professor Pamela Gillies | university for the common good | Professor Gillies | common good university | Glasgow Caledonian Univeristy | Conference Keynote | GCU | Keynote speech
Web Page
Resources from the 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
waste | Scotland | Student Engagement | leadership | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | Cycling Scotland | EAUC Scotland Conference | resource efficiency | University of Stirling | Borders College | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | Business and Industry Interface | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | Robert Gordon University | waste water | Internship Programme | biomass DHS | Biomass district heating scheme | Waste Water Heating System | SHARC Energys | business interface
Web Page
Resources from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | reporting | adaptation | legislation | finance | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Adaptation Scotland | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | compliance | climate change adaptation | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | KSB | Policy Compliance | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | Climate Change Reporting | Sniffer | Finance and Sustainability | Integrated Reporting
Web Page
Resources from the 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Scotland | ESD | SDGs | learning | teaching | Education for sustainable development | NUS | living labs | University of St Andrews | Learning and Teaching | Learning for Sustainability | EAUCS2017 | SDG | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Sustainable Development Goals | Careers Project | LfSS | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | Learning for Sustainability Scotland | National Union of Students | ESD HE | ESD FE | EAUC-Scotland Careers Project
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit.
Scotland | Student Engagement | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | financing | finding funding | managing | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | Robert Gordon University | student association | Go Green | student union | Community Impact | RGU | Students Union RGU | Climate Challenging Fund | Robert Gordon University Student's Union | CCF | Robert Gordon University Student Association
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning'.
Scotland | ESD | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Careers Project | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | EAUC-S Careers Project | Green Careers | Careers in Sustainability | EAUC-S Careers
Presentation from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland 2017.
Scotland | conference | policy | legislation | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | SSN | Public Bodies Climate Change Duties | Keep Scotland Beautiful | compliance | Public Sector Reporting | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | KSB | Policy Compliance | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | mandatory climate change reporting | Sustainability Scotland Network
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit.
Scotland | ESD | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | NUS | Learning for Sustainability | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | National Union for Students | NUS-UK
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit.
Scotland | ESD | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | living labs | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | LL | active learning
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit.
Scotland | energy efficiency | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | St Andrews University | Biomass district heating scheme | biomass DHS | District Heating Scheme | DHS
Presentation from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland 2017.
Scotland | conference | adaptation | legislation | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | compliance | climate change adaptation | policy and legislation | adapt | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | Policy Compliance | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | mandatory climate change reporting | Sniffer | adapting to climate change | Adaptation Scoland
Presentation from the 'Moving from Compliance to Leading Change' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland 2017.
Scotland | conference | policy | University of Edinburgh | reporting | legislation | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | compliance | policy and legislation | Leading Change | EAUC-Scotland Conference | Moving from Compliance to Leading Change | Policy Compliance | mandatory climate change reporting | integrated thinking | Edinburgh University | reporting for value creation | Internationhal Integrated Reporting Framework | IIRF
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit.
Scotland | energy efficiency | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | Borders College | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | waste water | Waste Water Heating System | Low-energy Heating system | SHARC Energy
Presentations from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Financing and Managing Projects for Change' Summit.
Scotland | University of St Andrews | cycling | EAUCS2017 | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | EAUC Scotland | EAUC-S Conference | EAUC Scotland Conference | University of Stirling | Financing projects | Conference 2017 | managing projects | Financing and Managing projects for change | funding sources | financing | finding funding | managing | internship | internship program | cycling internship | cycling scotland's internship programme | campus cycling officer
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning'.
Scotland | ESD | SDGs | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | University of St Andrews | EAUCS2017 | SDG | EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 | EAUC-S Conference 2017 | Sustainable Development Goals | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | St Andrews University
The Scottish Government is currently consulting on their strategy to take the country forward through a full energy transition towards 2050. The Energy Strategy is independent...
energy | Scotland | policy | energy efficiency | government | Scottish Government | consultation
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning'.
Scotland | ESD | learning | teaching | conference | Education for sustainable development | Learning and Teaching | EAUCS2017 | LfS | LfSS | Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning | Learning for Sustainability Scotland
The EAUC is a Member-led organisation. We represent you, and ensure that your views on topical issues are conveyed to the rest of the sector and to the Government. One important...
energy | Scotland | policy | energy efficiency | government | Scottish Government | consultation
Bookings are now open for the fourth EAUC-Scotland Conference!
The Conference will take place on Wednesday 22nd February 2017 at the University of...
Scotland | biodiversity | learning | teaching | conference | behaviour change | leadership | change | EAUCS2017 | social responsibility | University of Stirling | compliance | Financing projects | Leading Change | socially responsible
Web Page
Useful Online Toolkit for helping organisations to implement travel work plans.
Scotland | carbon reduction | travel | transport | low carbon | travel guide | Travel Schemes | Travelknowhowscotland.co.uk | travel plans | Transport Scotland
All 44 Universities and Colleges in Scotland have become full affiliate members of Electronics Watch, facilitated via their membership of APUC.
Scotland | procurement | apuc | Electronics Watch | news
The Scotland Forum is a chance for everyone to discuss and contribute to the activities and direction of the EAUC Scotland office, with a particular focus this...
Scotland | EAUC Scotland | forum | Abertay University
The University of St Andrews and partners Vital Energi have won a major national award at the Scottish Green Energy Awards 2016 for the biomass energy centre at the...
awards | energy | Scotland | University of St Andrews | Utilities | Community and Public Engagement | biomass | St Andrews | award | news | Business and Industry Interface | Vital Energi | Scottish Green Energy Awards
Web Page
The £25 million Biomass Energy Centre & District Heating Network for the University of St Andrews has been celebrated at one of Scotland’s most prestigious...
energy | Scotland | carbon reduction | University of St Andrews | refurbishment | biomass | award | Guardbridge
Web Page
The University published it's new Climate Strategy which sets out a whole institution approach and new long term carbon reduction targets.
You can view the...
Scotland | carbon reduction | strategy | University of Edinburgh | climate | sustainability report
The Committee on Climate Change produces an annual report on progress towards Climate Change goals.
Scotland | emissions | SSN | Keep Scotland Beautiful | Sustainable Scotland Network | CCC | Reducing Emissions
Web Page
Information on Scottish Environment as Health Service with useful links on well-being through environment.
Scotland | environment | SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency | Health Service
Not available
Scottish Environment Protection Agency Annual Report and Accounts 2015-2016
Scotland | SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Webinar and Resources by Zero Waste Scotland on how to finance resource efficiency projects.
Scotland | webinar | Zero Waste Scotland | finance | ZWS | Resource efficiency projects
Report highlighting a key resource that the public sector can use to improve low carbon behaviours and practices within the workplace and others.
Scotland | low carbon | Keep Scotland Beautiful | Sustainable Scotland Network | SNN | ISM Framework | low carbon behaviours | low carbon practices | IMS | KBS
Resources for the Waste Management Topic Support Network November 2016, University of Edinburgh
waste | Scotland | University of Edinburgh | tsn | waste management | topic support network | Zero Waste Scotland | Deposit Return Scheme | ZWS | James Cropper | Have You Got the Bottle | CRNS | Bottle Return Scheme | Community Resource Network Scotland | Changeworks
'How to' Guide by the Scottish Government on how people can engage in Climate Conversations.
Scotland | engagement | Scottish Government | Climate Conversation | How to guide
Web Page
Environmental Sustainability Conference Napier University Documents from 2015
sustainability | Scotland | conference | 2015 | environmental | environmental sustainability | napier | napier university
Web Page
Students from Fife College created a low carbon lunch at the Fife Environmental Partnership Conference and Fair.
Scotland | carbon | food and drink | low carbon | carbon footprint | Fife College | Fife | Food Miles
Web Page
Enhance is a research project which is taking a Living Lab approach to understanding and reducing energy demand in public sector buildings.
energy | Scotland | behaviour change | buildings | energy management | Public Sector | energy reduction | Data-Driven | Sociotechnical | Enhance
Review of food and packaging waste recycling at
Queen Margaret University
Scotland | recycling | food | case study | Zero Waste Scotland | food waste | queen margaret university | qmu | warp | bright green environmental placement
Seminar commissioned by the Scottish Government by Tom Crompton on what role values play in building commitment to social and environmental change.
Scotland | Scottish Government | values | social change | seminar | Tom Crompton | environmental change | Common Cause Foundation