Today's environmental challenges impact our social and political world. With the future journey in mind, it is vital that graduates are equipped with the expertise and experience to guarantee their positive contribution to sustainable development. The important role of universities and colleges in shaping a young person's early career outcomes can be used to empower their students to take on employment opportunities with confidence, and begin to shape the sector thereafter.
If you would like to connect with other professionals interested in this area of sustainability, join SHED - the leading cross sector Community of Practice in the UK for Education for Sustainability (EfS). This group is open to all.
EAUC-Scotland has two Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks (TSNs) which are open to all, one for further and one for higher education. Each provide an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
EAUC commissioned the research paper ‘Next Generation Sustainability Strategy and Structure’ to help members understand the current sustainability landscape in...
EAUC commissioned the research paper ‘Next Generation Sustainability Strategy and Structure’ to help members understand the current sustainability landscape in...
EAUC commissioned the research paper ‘Next Generation Sustainability Strategy and Structure’ to help members understand the current sustainability landscape in...
Addressing the SDGs through education - UNESCO launched “Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives”, a new publication targeting...
This keynote session from the 2017 EAUC Annual Conference features Malcolm Preston - Global Head of Sustainability Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Stephen Sterling -...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Peter Rands, Director of Sustainability Development -...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Dr Vitalia Kinakh, Lecturer - University of Manchester...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Joe Bourne, Student Engagement Manager - Lancaster...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Lina Erlandsson, ESD Officer - Nottingham Trent...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Hassan Waheed, Researcher - EAUC. Thom Cooper,...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Paul Warwick, Centre for Sustainable Futures Lead -...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Fraser Lovie, Policy Adviser - University of Aberdeen....
The UK National Commission for UNESCO has published a series of case studies showcasing best practice examples of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from across the UK....
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Andrew Samuel, Lecturer in Sociology - University of...
This workshop presentation is from the “Global Goals: Local Action” EAUC Annual Conference 2017, presented by Professor Mark Dooris, Professor in Health &...
Resource on the third part of the Careers Project: Winning a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
Resources from the 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Presentation from the 'Building Socially Responsible Institutions' Summit at the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017.
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit.
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning' Summit.
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning'.
A-Z guide of sustainability in the curriculum, from Art to Zoo Management, created by NUS to meet the demand for implementing sustainability in every academic discipline.
Presentation from the EAUC-Scotland Conference 2017 'Promoting Meaningful Teaching and Learning'.
Resource on the second part of the Careers Project: Preparing for a Job in Sustainability, including webinar.
Resource on the first part of the Careers Project: Understanding Sustainability Jobs. This includes a link to a webinar held on the same topic.
Université Laval has embraced a global approach to sustainability education. Although sustainability has been addressed in the classroom by individuals in the past, it is...
At the World Economic Forum, the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) in collaboration with the Global University Leader Forum (GULF) shared exemplary campus...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are viewed in the context of Johan Rockstrφm’s work on planetary boundaries at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. This work sets a...
Online Guide on 'How to do Transition at your University or College' published by the Transition Network.
Pearl Costello, Environmental Officer, Royal Agricultural University emailed both the Members’ and the Sustainability in Higher Education Developers (SHED) networks...
This book which addresses the links between economic development and sustainability is a new title in the World Sustainability Series,edited by Walter Leal Filho, Diana-Mihaela...
The Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, consisting of 4 volumes and over 140 peer-reviewed papers, contains the works presented at the 3rd World...
Transition University of St Andrews is part of the UK-based Transition Network, and a long-lasting example of a Transition University. Launched in 2009 by a group of...
These troubled economic times mean that we need enterprising people now more than ever. Fresh thinkers who spot opportunities, apply their entrepreneurial talents and overcome...
For the sixth year in a row, 80 per cent of students have told NUS that they want their institutions to be doing more on sustainability, and 60 per cent want to learn more about...
A PhD student conducting research (between Brazil and Germany) on barriers to innovation and sustainability in universities has requested researchers' participation in...
Robin Saha of University of Montana wins the Thomas Ehlrich award for his services of connecting his research and students to sustainability issues within the local communities....
Penn State University recently dedicated $875,000 as part of their reinvention fund (over $700,000 to academic/operational staff and over $100,000 to students) to transform Penn...
Portland State University has released a book that provides a toolbox for campus-community collaboration on sustainability, which they proudly back with actions and projects...
Harvard University has made a very exciting announcement about dramatically strengthening their Living Laboratory. They have launched a 3-year course which allows students to...
Taking a SIP: students learn the real-world taste of sustainability The SIP (Sustainability Internships Programme) offers students a taste of professional life that...
Samphire – what a pickle In the South West there is an abundance of fresh fish and Samphire (or Sea Asparagus) which makes for the ultimate complement to...
Regeneration for the Future: collaborative academic innovation for the next generation of design change-makers The designers of the future will help to remake the world and...
The Trojan mouse of sustainability: ‘Dropping’ sustainability into education Enabling students to learn through a sustainability ‘lens’ equips...
The YouthXchange Green Skills and Lifestyles guidebook, which focuses on the challenges, opportunities and good practices related to green economies and societies, is the second...
In October 2015, UWE opened the Whole Earth? exhibition on its Frenchay Campus. In response to this powerful call to action the President of the Students’ Union challenged...
Our Green City: Global challenges, Bristol solutions Our Green City celebrated and showcased UWE academics and Bristol based sustainability organisations to develop public...
The Beauty’s Inside “The Beauty’s Inside” is a collaborative magazine, co-produced by HM Prison women offenders, London College of Fashion (LCF)...
Our changing world – Addressing global challenges through academic research ‘Our Changing World’ an annual high-profile public lecture series which...
Students share and shape their campus showcasing sustainability Bringing together academics across all University of Liverpool faculties as well as representatives from the...