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WRAP is a charity, working with governments, businesses and citizens around the globe to create a world in which resources are used sustainably.  We generate evidence-based solutions to protect the environment, build stronger economies and support more sustainable societies.

Our impact spans the entire lifecycle of the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the products we buy, from production to consumption and beyond.

We tackle sustainable product design, waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and waste management for food and drink, plastic packaging, clothing and textiles and waste management. We deliver change.

Our mission is to accelerate the move to a sustainable, resource-efficient economy through:

Re-inventing how we design, produce and sell products through product and process innovation and supply chain collaboration.

Re-thinking how we use and consume products through citizen campaigns and enabling collaborative change by businesses.

Re-defining what is possible through re-use and recycling through market and infrastructure development and improved collections.

Our focus areas

We are focusing on the food and drink, plastic packaging, clothing and textiles, and collections and recycling sectors.

By tackling these areas, we can move demand towards levels that could sustainably be met by the planet.

Crucially, it also has the potential to satisfy the needs of growing world population without compromising future generations to meet their needs.

To find out more about WRAP, visit www.wrap.org.uk

WRAP resources for the Hospitality and Food Service sector.

There are 61 resources provided by WRAP

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