Sustainable Procurement is among the key drivers of change in any institution, increasingly becoming a key mechanism for policy delivery and cost reduction. All public procurement in the UK is required to achieve value for money and is governed by the public procurement rule to ensure that it is fair and open. In the UK, universities and colleges yearly spend millions of pounds undertaking capital projects and buying goods and services, and institutions are increasingly making these spending decisions in a sustainable way. The adoption of sustainable and socially responsible procurement policies is now more commonplace. These policy strategies demonstrate a commitment to reshaping the ethical, environmental, and social aspects of investment.
Join like-minded EAUC Members in the EAUC's Fair Trade Community of Practice. This group is for EAUC members only.
EAUC-Scotland's Sustainable Procurement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
This presentation is from the Student Sustainability Summit 2015, in partnership with NUS and People & Planet, presented by People and Planet, Crystal Lameman and The...
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by The University of Manchester and Netpositive Futures and falls...
This presentation was the Keynote for the Further Education Summit, part of the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by Leeds College of...
This Exchange presentation from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by Interface, falls under the Leadership and Governance Stream
This Exchange presentation from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by University of Leeds falls under the Leadership and Governance...
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by University of Leeds and falls under the Leadership and Governance...
The EAUC Annual Conference 2015 programme in full!
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by The University of Nottingham, HEFCE and University of Bradford.
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by the Sustainable Restaurant Association and falls under the Estates...
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, Further Education Summit and presented by City College Plymouth.
This presentation is from the “Challenging Connections” EAUC Annual Conference 2015, presented by Warp It and falls under the Estates and Operations Stream.
As part of the process to improve procurement performance at TUCO Ltd, we have embedded Sustainable Procurement within our policies as we recognise that food & sundry...
Waste sorting point image at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT).
Recycling point poster used at University of London.
Our Waste and Procurement Topic Support Networks met together on the 11th March 2015 to hold a day-long event on the Lifecycle of Electronics. The...
This report builds on the work of the 2011 UUK Efficiency Task Group and presents a new agenda for efficiency, effectiveness and value for money in higher education.
We address the current sector hot topic - environmental management systems (EMS) with two separate events, giving you an opportunity to learn, network and implement.
Plymouth University present their 2014 Sustainability Report.
Partnerships are the key to success in establishing more re-use and helping the sector to reap financial, social and environmental benefits.
Partnerships are the key to success in so many areas of our lives, and strong partnerships are essential to developing a robust re-use sector.
Read all about how staff in the EAUC Office celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 and everything fair trade.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how Aberystwyth University is committed to driving forward sustainability across the whole University.
Legal update for EAUC Members (March 2015) which includes new recycling regulations, climate change reporting in Scotland, landfill tax and ISO 14001 progress.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Nottingham uses sustainability as one of their guiding principles, to which it takes a holistic approach.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how University of Dundee has been rated number one in Scotland and in the UK Top 10 for the past 5 years.
In this EAUC Member Spotlight, see how the University of Edinburgh plans for the fortnight and celebrating 10 years of being a Fairtrade University.
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
Part of the mini case study series, "Approaches to fair trade in educational institutions in 2015".
This MSC/WWF 2015 campaign encourages students to become 'Ocean Heros' to ensureseafood supplies are secured and marine ecosystems are protected for this and future...
This example is from Royal Agricultural University and is about Catering at the RAU - the sustainable way.
This event was a combined Energy Management Topic Support Network (am) and an APUC Utilities User Intelligence Group Meeting (pm), taking place on the 17th February 2015....
University of London present their 2014 Annual Sustainability Report
SPLC has released its Guidance for Leadership in Sustainable Purchasing v1.0. It provides extensive information on sustainable procurement in several different product categories
This case study focuses on Managing Facilities and Estates following research in 2014 into the way the FE sector in Wales is embracing the concept of sustainable development
Information sheets for suppliers of Hospitality and Food Service businesses on how to reduce waste
The 2014 Green Gown Awards Winners’ Brochure which explores the journeys all these institutions have taken.
Fairly traded products are focused on securing the rights of workers and producers in developing countries and improving livelihoods
This is a quick guide to help you understand sustainable seafood, as well as provide you with some useful resources
Coffee is the most popular drink in the world, with over 400 billion cups being consumed every year. How can we make sure the coffee we drink is sustainable? This quick guide...
Over December 2014 the EAUC created a series of resources to inspire and keep sustainability at the forefront of everyone’s minds during the festive season.
Plymouth University is delivering a model of sustainable catering which is founded upon local and ethical sourcing, increasing community access to healthy and fresh food, and...
South Devon College has developed/written its own in house system that allows it to link its learner database (EBS) to the system and scan learners ID cards at a point in its...
The University of Manchester’s 6 year vision specifically expresses the need ‘To embed environmental sustainability as a key priority across the full range of its...
University of Edinburgh aims to contribute to the improvement of society as a whole by the creation of sustainable food systems
BaxterStorey have a duty to students and staff to continuously improve and build upon the level of sustainability demonstrated at the University of Gloucestershire’s (UoG)...
Legal update for EAUC Members (Dec 2014) which includes EU cuts emissions, Single Use Carrier Bags Charge in Scotland, Defra consultation and much more.
The CSI is an independent index underpinned by sound academic research that allows suppliers to obtain a score of their social, economic and environmental sustainability...
Field to fork, bringing the veg back home was the University of Brighton’s vision to see locally grown fruit and vegetables being served across all food and beverage...
Growhampton is a sustainability initiative with a big focus on food – from the seed to plate and palate, from its edible campus, to its bee hives and The Hive sustainability café
The snappily named ‘SCAG’ consortium is an innovative shared services project delivering significant environmental benefits through sustainable waste management.
By following the below link, you will be able to find out information about ReEntry, the service delivered by Interface to ensure their products have another life beyond their use.
The Higher Education Procurement Academy has worked with the City of Glasgow College to develop a series of online learning courses, specifically aimed at procurement.
In this issue, we address the current sector hot topic - waste and the effect this topic has throughout your institution.
The Winners' Brochure for the International Green Gown Awards 2014 which brings together the finalists and winners of these Awards which are growing globally.
Extract from the Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges 'ezine' 21/08/14 : Clarification on Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme for Scottish Universities and...
A presentation by David Beards from the 13th Annual EAUC Conference 2009.
EAUC's Annual and Impact reports from 2013 showing a year of work and achievement.
Legal update for EAUC Members (September 2014) which includes batteries directive, SWMP in wales, ISO 140001, plastic bag charges.
Legal update for EAUC Members (March 2014) which includes waste regulations in Scotland, waste carrier registrations, phase 2 of the CRC, EDOC, COMAH and animal by-product...
Legal update for EAUC Members (June 2014) which includes carrier bag charges in Scotland, waste transfer notes, REACH, landfill taxes, CRC reporting window and more.
Legal update for EAUC Members (September 2012) about the replacement of Business Link and
Association of University Directors of Estate's (AUDE) comprehensive annual report which details the impact of University estates and facilities across the UK (2014).
A quarterly briefing paper which is submitted to AUDE members which ensures the voice of the EAUC and its Members are heard at this strategic level. September 2014 issue.
A quarterly briefing paper which is submitted to AUDE members which ensures the voice of the EAUC and its Members are heard at this strategic level. May 2014 issue.
St Andrews have created Little Green Guides, all printed on recycled paper (naturally), updated for 2014, and ready for distribution over Freshers’ Week!
This handbook is designed to support the work of members who represent the union on environmental issues. It will help in the appointment of new reps and contribute to put...
The University of Manchester catering service strives to offer healthy, sustainable catering that is produced, processed and traded in ways that; contribute to the local...
A presentation from the EAUC annual conference 2014 on the good food agenda in FHE communities, stories from a Student Coop, a University Chef, and the Soil Association's...
A presentation from the 2014 EAUC Conference about implementing a socially responsible side to your procurement policy.
This presentation from 18th EAUC Annual Conference 2014 question's what the carbon bubble is, hits on fossil fuel investments and tackling the climate change finance.
Video interviews from 3rd Annual Efficiency in HE conference 27 March
Fairtrade Fortnight aims to raise the profile of the FAIRTRADE Mark, the principles of fair trade and the problems facing farmers and producers in developing countries. Staff at...
Outline of the Oxford Brookes University Fairtrade debate 'How universities can go beyond Fairtrade'. In celebration of 10 years as the World's first Fairtrade...
This is an event poster for Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 at Anglia Ruskin Students' Union to inspire your own communications.
This is a summary of the events for Fairtrade Fortnight at the University of Surrey 2014
This e-learning module is a guide to the sustainable procurement of the catering and food services.
This 'hot topic' summarises the recent Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 campaign, coordinated by EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice (CoP) plus some extra, bonus resources!
Coventry University’s grounds team have created an interactive campus for fun, learning and research replacing places of traditional planting and bedding .
Manchester Veg People is a multi-stakeholder co-operative of local organic growers and buyers who are working together to develop a new model for the local food supply chain.
This project is about embedding sustainability into the student curriculum and into their and staff’s lives at South Essex College.
The University of Edinburgh are working collaboratively to take fair trade beyond Fairtrade, in the name of decent livelihoods in developing countries. Find out how you could be...
A case study demonstrating the Carbon Trust and Colchester Borough Council's development of a Carbon Management Strategy which exceeded their target to reduce carbon...
View the Carbon Trust's range of case studies covering public sector bodies including universities and colleges.
WRAP provides online resource efficiency tools. The information you need to make savings for your business are quickly and easily available through WRAP. This includes case...
WRAP provides an online tool with advice and information for businesses in the hospitality and foodservice sectors, including actions and processes that can prevent food and...
New research released by WRAP shows that the UK’s hospitality and food service sector is facing an annual bill in excess of £2.5 billion for food waste. The report,...
A quarterly briefing paper which is submitted to AUDE members which ensures the voice of the EAUC and its Members are heard at this strategic level. November 2013 issue.
Access resources on sustainable procurement from HEPA
Presentation and postcard describing fair trade at University of Edinburgh created by EAUC Fair Trade Community of Practice convenor, Liz Cooper for a workshop in October 2013