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Our EAUC-Scotland Conference took place in Glasgow in November 2019 and considered the key, hard-to-address sustainability challenges currently facing universities and colleges....
Scotland | conference | 2019 | EAUCS2019 | climate emergency
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Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Sustainable...
Scotland | conference | sustainable | 2019 | sustainable food | EAUCS2019 | Cambridge | King's College London | Sustainable Food Policy | Harvard
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Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Divestment....
Scotland | conference | 2019 | finance | ethical investment | EAUCS2019 | divestment | money | share action | SERC
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Our EAUC-Scotland Conference 2019, entitled the Elephants in the Room, included several breakout sessions. This page contains the resources from the workshop on Offsetting to...
Scotland | university | 2019 | University of Strathclyde | Glasgow Caledonian University | net zero | EAUCS2019 | offsetting | Caledonian
SDG’s are a key element to reporting in our organisations but aren’t always valued.
This session covered how to convince you organisation to write a SDG...
SDGs | reporting | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | SDG | manchester | University of Manchester | university of leicester | lee | lucy | sandra | leicster | Millard | approval
Has sustainability education been ‘tamed’ to fit with the performativity culture in which reporting and measuring ultimately drive practice? There are a growing...
education | university | learning | research | reporting | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Canterbury | measuring | peter | sustainability activity | christ | church | nicola | kemp | rands
Showcasing the highlights of the first annual report of the Sustainability Leadership Scorecard so you can see where the sector is achieving and where the sector needs to up its...
sustainability | SDGs | leadership | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | scorecard | SLS | leaders | Bournemouth | sustainability leadership scorecard | andy | arup | richard | wintrip | sheppard
The session took delegates through how to secure long term energy cost security from generation sources producing carbon free energy. It looked at the volume, term, legal...
energy | sustainable | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | cost reduction | renewable | low | cost | renewables | renewable energy | consortium | the | TEC | sources | steve | creighton
Terry A'Hearn, has over twenty years’ experience in the environment profession, having held senior roles in Melbourne with the Environment Protection Authority in the...
environment | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | targets | Action | Influence 2019 | scottish | agency | SEPA | plenary session | Terry A'Hearn | protection
A thoroughly acclaimed plenary session featured Dr Alison Green, National Director at Scientists Warning and Academic Lead of Extinction Rebellion, who was joined by Maeve...
2019 | influence2019 | influence | Influence 2019 | economics | Influential Disruption | Alison Green | Maeve Cohen | Extinction Rebellion
The first plenary session at this year's conference looked at carbon targets.
carbon reduction | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | manchester | Influence 2019 | projects | centre | cooler | plenary session | metropolitan | anderson | phil | andy | mayor | lizzy | tyndall | haughton | korbel | emma | helena | burnham | kevin | gardner | tinkler
Influencing Senior Leaders- Insights from the Finance Director- Phil McNaull former Director of Finance, University of Edinburgh in conversation with Dave Gorman, Director of...
sustainability | university | leadership | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Edinburgh | finance | dave | gorman | srs | phil | Infleunce 2019 | Phil McNaull | Dave Gorman | divest | mcnaull | invest
Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development” (VIP4SD), brings together students from different disciplines and all years of undergrad and postgrad study to...
university | SDGs | curriculum | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | SDG | projects | strathclyde | integrated | vip4sd | undergraduate | vertically | scott | strachan | paul | murray
Through a case study of Circular Economy office furniture, this workshop showed how disruptive sustainable business models are saving Institutions money, reducing their...
carbon | green | reuse | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | reduction | circular economy | waste reduction | economy | gas | furniture | office | circular | Cardiff | Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions | grey | embodied | ghg | house | rype | lavery | carolyn | strong
The Sustainability Challenge represented a simulation activity that challenges students to design a new University campus and justify their choices to a board of directors.
university | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | manchester | gown | University of Manchester | winner | challenge | Influence 2019 | lucy | sandra | lee | stellify | Millard | sustainability challenge | sustaiability
Launch of the second annual SDG report; ‘Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector'.
SDGs | report | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | global | SDG | forum | UN | Global Goals | political | alliance | signatory | signature | high | accord | level
The unspoken challenge of university in the age of climate change: students diligently prepare for careers while scientists sound the alarm that business as usual is untenable.
change | 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | support | state | climate crisis | jen | transformational leaders | weathering | anxious | oregon | storm | stress | group | nervous | emotiional | worried | myers
EAUC and the Higher Education Business Continuity Network (HEBCoN) have been working with a group of Members over the last year, with the support of AECOM, to develop a guide...
change | adaptation | 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | business | risk | AECOM | adapt | HEBCoN | grant | business continuity | mark | approach | anderson | rebecca | executive buy-in | Adaptation Guide | managment | continuity | durdin | webster | petford
This session discussed “what is the role of universities through research, teaching, operations and community engagement to address this public health emergency?”
2019 | influence2019 | influence | air | Longhurst | James | National Clean Air Day | health risk | clean | day
Following this workshop, participants will be in a position to make learning about sustainability fun and engaging by using an online mulitple-choice quiz - the Suliquiz
engagement | learning | sustainable | development | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | SDG | school | Glasgow | goals | sustainable behaviour | fun | enhance knowledge | suliquiz | kedge | Alex | Wersun | Aurelien | Decamps
War on Waste is a bespoke engagement project in a discrete building testing impact on recycling and contamination rates and influencing reduction of waste at source by staff.
waste | engagement | recycling | behaviour change | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | hunt | conamination | war | nik | jo | shields
ARUgreen is a comprehensive sustainability engagement initiative which is changing the culture of Anglia Ruskin University using an innovative gamification approach.
sustainability | engagement | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | sustainable travel | energy saving | Anglia Ruskin University | game | Ruskin | anglia | JUMP | fun | gamification | arugree | simon | chubb
This session looked at how your institution could set carbon targets that align with the Paris Agreement and support a declaration of a climate emergency.
carbon | emissions | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | net zero | targets | climate emergency | zero | Credentials | target | net | 2030 | scope | carbon targets | 2050 | chalk | suzie
Exploring the benefits of applied learning and research for student learning outcomes and graduate attributes, this session shared learning from across the sector.
sustainability | learning | student | NUS | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | living labs | Keele University | research and development | labs | keele | living | applied | outcomes | meg | baker
Local universities and colleges in Birmingham City Centre came together during summer 2018 to make plans for their first ever collaborative Green Week.
college | community | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | collaboration | Aston University | Birmingham | green week | Community Impact | liz | hunt | brum | metroploitan | turner | kath
The University of Cambridge Sustainable Food Policy was launched two years ago, and has been widely recognised for its innovative approach (including with a Green Gown Award!),...
food | policy | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | supply chain | gown | Cambridge | free | Sustainable Food Policy | meat | amy | peter | ruminants | faure | lumb | munroe
At the University of Strathclyde the travel initiatives have ranged from providing innovative electric vehicles to improving cycling facilities and encouraging sustainable...
university | travel | sustainable | transport | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | strathclyde | Sustainable Travel and Transport | engagement programme | macnicol | spela | raposa | rona
This session explored the role of UWE in influencing city scale decarbonisation.
2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | University of the West of England | bristol | Action | UWE | zero | decarbonisation | net | 2030 | IPCC | James | Longhurst | university and community involvement | neutrality | katherine | piper | kirst | noris
The discussion discussed different network approaches, how they have performed, and methods that have worked for you.
green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | University of St Andrews | heating | best practice | technical | consultancy | district heating | john | andrew | st | andrews | approach | district | thomason | snipe | treble | keith
This session shared findings from a recent DMU project to support staff and students from six programmes to explore current coverage and course enhancements focused on ESDG.
sustainability | education | ESD | SDGs | curriculum | sustainable | development | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | SDG | De Montfort University | andrew | Montfort | ESDGC | mentoring | de | reeves
This session represented a real opportunity to spend some time hearing about some working single-use plastic reduction initiatives within the sector at both an institutional...
waste | procurement | teaching | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | workshop | Leeds | St Andrews | plastic | zero | labs | events | plastics | laboratory | free | andrew | lucy | sandra | lee | ideas | leicster | position | pledge | alexander | clarke | stuart | bryers
Delegates had the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into the Governance Guide and Business Case Guide and also hear what this year’s Sustainability Institution of the Year,...
sustainability | university | guide | green | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | Edinburgh | governance | gown | case | leaders | motivation | dave | gorman | institution | Business Case Guide | Governance Guide | brown | michelle
This session offered insights from a research project entitled ‘Transition to more sustainable lives?: the impact of infrastructure and services on students’...
university | engagement | food | student | campus | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Edinburgh | Influence 2019 | trust | fruit | infrastructure | vegetables | growing | student behaviour | edible | carnegie | rachael | howell
Many attempts have been made to influence behaviour in a positive way e.g. recycling correctly, using design-thinking, participatory design, and choice architecture. However,...
university | behaviour change | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | behaviour | Warwick | Nudgeathon | participatory design | nudge | Alina | Udall | David | Chapman
The White Ribbon Campaign is a global movement, challenging and working to change male attitudes towards gender based violence.
college | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Glasgow | campaign | Gender Equality | kelvin | white ribbon | societal and cultural change | violence | men | gender | women | abuse | arlene | sweeney
This session looked at the effect of working with students to change the curriculum for the better.
Student Engagement | curriculum | learning | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | behaviour | school | Glasgow | art | john | thorne | change curriculum
KCL Sustainability Team shared lessons learned from these different projects, including easy wins, challenges to overcome, and unintended consequences to be aware of.
waste | college | recycling | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | London | recycle | behaviour | campaign | King's College London | levy | Kings | cup | disposable | rate | trash | pullen | olivia | preston | joshua
An energy efficiency consultancy and real estate researcher both based at Oxford Brookes University have joined forces to find energy savings.
energy | university | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | estates | lighting | savings | Oxford | consultancy | Brookes | jon | night | time | usage | cooper | michael | esvelt
This session looked at how you can ensure you are as effective as possible in getting your message across, how to build your influence and go about persuading senior management.
sustainability | engagement | conference | leadership | University of Edinburgh | staff | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | business | eauc | Edinburgh | manchester | governance | case | Influence 2019 | leaders | governors | gorman | dave | interactive | Members Day | srs | metropolitan | buy | in
It brings together powerful networks of businesses and governments, in order to shift global markets and policies towards accelerating climate action
education | university | change | 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | global | government | higher | Climate Action | challenge | Warwick | global market | under2coalition | joel | cardinal
Following on from the plenary focusing on Greater Manchester’s Carbon Target this session focused on what universities and colleges have done in response to the Climate...
carbon | 2019 | influence2019 | climate | influence | eauc | Nottingham | climate emergency | Trent | commitment | target | newcastle | lincoln | ntu | emergency | rebecca | matt | declaration | dunlop | morrell | fiona | forster | goodwin | charmaine
Glasgow Kelvin Velocity is a project designed by a group of the Glasgow Kelvin College’s Support for Learning students and staff, aimed at encouraging outdoor and cycling...
college | learning | community | travel | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | cycling | wellbeing | Glasgow | active | kelvin | travel hub | velocity | outdoor
This paper discussed the outcome of the research workshop called ‘Crowd Research’ conducted with final year undergraduate students at Nottingham Trent University.
university | recycling | research | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | data | innovation | Nottingham | Trent | analysis | crowd | Shin | Lia | Blaj-Ward Paul | Daniel | Whitehouse
From research to practice: Developing interventions with influence. Bring Your Own Bowl (BYOB) is a food waste behaviour change and student community building intervention.
waste | Student Engagement | university | recycling | food | Green Gown Awards 2018 | green | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | innovation | bristol | gown | england | UWE | winner | free | surplus | west | bring | drinking | own | predrinking | bowl | colley | rachel
The University of Winchester has teamed up with the conservation group Hampshire Swifts to develop a ground-breaking initiative to save the Swift population of Winchester.
university | biodiversity | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | Community and Public Engagement | collaboration | wildlife | ecology | winchester | Swift | liz | birds | bird | swifts | hampshire | harris
Palm oil and palm oil derivatives are ubiquitous within food-stuffs, cleaning products, cosmetics and the supply chain of these items
sustainability | university | policy | sustainable | staff | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | University of the West of England | Procurement and Supplier Engagement | bristol | UWE | sector | oil | west | palm | amy | palm oil | rainforest | jungle
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Sustainability: our sector’s current best chance of responding to the urgent demands of climate science – new report
A cross-sector partnership advocating for a...
2019 | AUDE | SLS | annual report | sustainability leadership scorecard