Sustainability and social responsibility are each holistic means to involve an entire student community. For universities and colleges, students are a significant aspect of campus life and its community. Every new intake brings new energy, perspectives, and ambitions that should be harnessed for the benefit of all. As future change agents, students should receive the tools and encouragement to take on this journey in as active players looking for positive outcomes.
EAUC-Scotland's Community Engagement Topic Support Network (TSN) is open to all, providing an opportunity for those working in or with the further and higher education sector to share ideas and questions and to get together to hear from particular speakers or discuss topics of interest.
University of Leicester
Goldsmiths, University of London
The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability was established in 2014 to enable the University of Edinburgh to understand, explain and deliver on its ambition to...
LCF x ASOS visioning the circular economy
Meliora: A student international sustainability research symposium and journal series
Digital student partnerships - boosting employability and engagement
Bring Your Own Bowl
Staffs TV does Top Gear
SDG Visual Displays project
Strategic partnerships embedding long term positive change
The Great Donate – Reducing waste and benefitting the community when students leave the campus Halls of Residence at the end of term
Integrating sustainable inclusive social practice
Glasgow Kelvin Velocity: The wheels of sustainability
Living the green and not just a dream
Our Shared City Move-Out Campaign
Sustain It Bottle
Reusable Cup Race
Cross Atlantic project-based learning - a tale of two Worcesters
UWE supporting Bristol’s One City Plan
Rethinking rehabilitation - connecting communities through craft
Uni-link buses for better air
Positive Impact Partners: Building capacity through partnerships
A whole institution approach to combating modern slavery
Project SCENe: Sustainable Community Energy Networks
Turnaround - 360 degrees different
Parent Power
Fundamental to our approach is an integrated Student Development Programme which includes the Leeds Sustainable Curriculum, a University-wide programme of integrating...
Introducing a new EAUC toolkit designed for anyone working to influence senior management change on sustainability in a FHE context.
The session will emphasise practical student’s engagement through partnership and involving community into the curriculum.
On 12th June 2018, the Travel & Transport Topic Support Network and ACT Travelwise met to discuss: Addressing business travel: Improving data...
Zero Waste Scotland have published a comprehensive list of 'Ideas for waste projects' and communication materials for community groups. All of the projects described...
UKSSD asked Meg Rawlins, Vet student at RVC and member of Students for Global Health to write them a blog about her view of the SDGs. An interesting insight into how the SDGs...
Leeds Living Lab - the journey so far: How we developed the programme Our purpose and principles How it works Case studies The Living Lab at Plymouth - from...
The Living Laboratory for Sustainability provides opportunities for students to help improve environmental sustainability across the University estate, through projects,...
The 2018 Activity Guide set includes a total of 235 hands-on school ground activities, written by 187 organizations. 48 of the activities are new this year! This...
West College Scotland highlight through their case study some of the barriers they have come up against in implementing their reusable cups scheme
Glasgow Caledonian University has taken a three prong approach to implementing the use of reusable cups with success of reducing waste. Find out more in this case study.
EAUC-Scotland's virtual 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' April edition discussed Student End of Term Waste. We have produced a best...
We've just published the 7th year of research looking at student expectations and experiences of learning for sustainability during their time in education, as well as how...
Sustainability Week Zurich (SWZ) / Nachhaltigkeitswoche Zürich The Sustainability Week Zurich (SWZ) is one of the largest student run sustainability projects in...
Student-led Environmental Management Systems Chiba University is the only university in Japan that has acquired both ISO14001 and ISO50001. Since 2003, the Student Committee...
University of Tasmania Tom is a gentleman of sustainability. Due to significant time spent in Africa travelling and teaching in a Nairobi slum, he is passionate about social...
The University of Melbourne Sophie has developed and championed a student-led co-designed vision for fair food policies in Australian universities. She has built extensive...
Adelaide Sustainability Association: Sustainability Super Group The Adelaide Sustainability Association (ASA) provides dynamic professional development opportunities for...
Trifecta success for innovative battery recycling project UNSW Sustainability battery recycling program is an innovative and extremely successful community based recycling...
Living Labs examples
EAUC-Scotland's virtual 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' March edition discussed Community Growing Projects. We have produced a best...
Students at University of Edinburgh lead a campaign to help motivate people to change small habits to reduce carbon emissions
EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' February edition discussed how to maintain Healthy Working Lives within institutions. We have...
On Wednesday 10th January EAUC-Scotland, College Development Network (CDN) and Learning for Sustainability Scotland (LfSS) held the Measuring Sustainability in the Curriculum...
EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' November edition discussed Cycling to Campus. We have produced this best practice document from the...
Go Green Week: From campus to city - students lead the way
This Changes Everything: 11 songs about climate change
Reduce the Juice
When beasties go large: #beastsofUoN
Who cares about the Earth? Whole Earth brings a way to communicate sustainability through photography to our students!
You heard it through the green vine
Bottom up, top down, meet with outstanding student engagement at Cranfield
Park Life
Greening our printing
MDX Freewheelers
The session gave an in-depth overview into the impact that food choices have on our health, environment and communities and how institutions have the power to positively...
Green now white bags: Five years skilling students – a University/City recycling collaboration
Team entrepreneurship – students building sustainable businesses
Blockchain in fashion
Project Baala: A real solution not insanitary - student led social impact
Enactus Nottingham – creating business, transforming lives
Edinburgh’s Swap and Reuse Hub (SHRUB) Co-operative
The Big Idea Challenge
Kenya Jiko Stove
CommUNITY meet and eat
Enactus Cardiff - realising your business potential
Inspiring the future generation - INSPIRE student internships
Balancing the Books: Creating a model of responsible fashion business education
Dip, Dabble, Dive and Thrive – integrating sustainability in the extra-curriculum
Queen’s University Belfast’s ‘Environmental Leadership Programme’
Green Mary careers week
Don’t waste your e-waste
Future-proof your career
Industry-relevant work experience for every student at Leeds Trinity University
The first event in EAUC-Scotland's 'Promoting Sustainable Behaviours Sharing Series' took place on the 6th September 2017 and focussed on Student Engagement events....
The Public Bodies Climate Change Duties came into play in 2016 with annual reports due each November. The universities and colleges of Scotland are supported by SSN and the...
A look at the 'Wider Influence' section of the Scottish Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Reporting which is due each year on 30 November
LfS Scotland hosted a successful meeting of the UK Regional Centres of Expertise in ESD in Edinburgh in June 20th/21st 2017 with participants drawn from 6 RCEs from across the...
This paper looks at the role of sustainable development within degree programmes dominated by the need to satisfy professional accreditation requirements, examining how far...
This publication is the product of the workshop on Drivers and Barriers for Implementing Learning for Sustainable Development in Pre-School through Upper Secondary and Teacher...
This case study explores the purpose, difficulties and benefits of an Education for Sustainable Development focus in an inner city primary school. It describes the processes...
The RSPB believes that every child should be entitled to regular contact with the natural environment.
The aims of the project were to: establish a baseline for the existing attitudes, opinions and actions of pupils, and their families, regarding water use; educate children about...
Zero Waste Scotland has launched a new initiative encouraging organisations to take action and reduce litter. The initiative is open to any organisation in Scotland that wants...
The Scottish FHE sector submitted their reports for the first year of the required Public Bodies Climate Change Duties. The EAUC-Scotland have produced a analysis report with...
EAUC has launched its Living Labs Research. A university or college Living Lab is where real-world institutional problems are addressed in new dynamic partnerships between all...
Eco-Schools student presentations, WWF Malaysia
An article by Carin Moffatt and Cathy Dzerefos, WESSA
Article by Nicole Andreou in International School Magazine, explaining how schools, through the Eco-Schools Seven Steps, can make a difference. p.39-40
The Community Engagement TSN met with partners from the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) on 12th May 2017 to discuss how to take forward ideas developed around climate...
EAUC-Scotland's Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Networks, and Learning for Sustainability Scotland's FHE and Sustainable Development...
In our Sustainability Strategy, we were clear that we want to be a University with a reputation for outstanding performance on sustainability; one that challenges the status quo...